In details: if the last line of a page ends with hyphenated word, it is moved to the next page (instead just switching-off the hyphention for that word) Although the idea is OK, its realization is annoying. I have noticed a new nasty feature in Word 2013.(But make sure you're still hyphenating properly between syllables Use this option if you want to break a word in a place other than where Word breaks it. To manually hyphenate a word at the end of a line and only at the end of a line, use Ctrl + Hyphen (rather than using a hyphen only).Make sure the Line and Page Breaks tab is selected Make sure the insertion point is located in the paragraph you don't want to hyphenate.Delete any hyphens that remain in your text In the Hyphenation dialog box, clear the Automatically hyphenate this story check box. Click the Text Box Tools Format tab, and then click Hyphenation.In the Page Setup section, click Hyphenation Hyphenation Options in Microsoft Word for Windows On a Windows machine, to switch on automatic hyphenation: Go to the Layout tab on the main ribbon.
Linnet's How To _Remember to like and subscribe See all my videoes in playlist / categories here.Most of my Word documents I have saved as from originals that I created in Word 2011 Control hyphenation - Office Suppor So far that is only a minority of the Word documents that I use. The only time it seems to work is in documents that I created in Word 2016. Rarely does the Hyphenation tool work in Word 2016.
Hyphenation is when Microsoft Word sometimes splits words across two lines, placing a hyphen at the end of one line to show that the word continues on the ne. Do any of the following: FREE Course! Click: about the Hyphenation Settings in Microsoft Word at Get the complete tutorial FR.
Automatic hyphenation is quicker and easier, although manual hyphenation provides more control. You can also use manual hyphenation to have Word make hyphenation suggestions. You can tell Word how to hyphenate automatically by clicking the Hyphenation button and choosing Hyphenation Options You can have Word hyphenate your text automatically as you type your text, or later, in one pass. Word hyphenates your document (or a portion of your document, if you selected it first). Home How to turn on hyphenation in Word 2022 How to Use Hyphenation in Word 2016 - dummieĪutomatic hyphenation: On the Layout tab, click the Hyphenation button and choose Automatic on the drop-down list.